How to remove stretch marks on breasts

Most people assume that pregnant women are more prone to developing stretch marks on the breasts, but many women who have never been pregnant have stretch marks on their breasts, due to rapid development during puberty. Breast tissue grows very rapidly during puberty and pregnancy due to rapid regeneration and reconstruction of the tissue.


During both pregnancy and puberty, breasts enlarge very quickly – too quickly for the skin to keep up. When pregnant, the breasts prepare themselves to get the mammary glands ready for the mother to be able to provide nourishment to her child. Collagen, normally responsible for keeping the skin soft and supple, is the culprit. Unable to regenerate and grow as quickly as growth demands, the skin’s collagen rips and breaks. These breaks cause dermal scars – what we know as stretch marks. These marks range in color from purple to pink to red to brown to white, and they really do appear to be like most scars.

Aside from the rapid growth caused by puberty and pregnancy, there are other ways that women can find themselves with stretch marks on their breasts. Rapid weight gain is one culprit. Another culprit is plastic surgery for breast enhancement, in which implants too large for the skin to accommodate cause it to stretch and break. Although genetics play a big role in the development of stretch marks on most areas, all women are vulnerable to stretch marks on their breasts!

Ways to Treat Stretch Marks on the breasts

You can always talk to your doctor about the latest treatments for stretch marks. Many recommend topical treatments for breast stretch marks. There are many stretch mark creams out there, many of which include compounds that aid in skin healing, and have antibacterial properties. They usually work by keeping the skin healthy and supple, and aiding in the regeneration of skin cells, which helps the scars to begin healing and can prevent further development of stretch marks. Vitamin E is particularly useful in dealing with skin conditions, and many skin products include this vitamin. It has anti-oxidant properties, which protect against free radicals and helps skin cells to repair themselves.

It is possible that your stretch marks will need some sort of surgical help. There are all sorts of cosmetic procedures for breast stretch marks, including laser therapy and breast augmentation. Be forewarned, these methods are all very pricy, and it is unlikely that most (if any) insurance plans will cover them. Most people simply cannot afford them, nor do they want to deal with the possible side effects of elective surgical treatment.

There are many natural and alternative therapies, which you would be like to try for stretch marks as well. Exercising thirty minutes a day three times every week in order to firm up the muscles beneath your skin, which can help firm up the skin itself! Do not do any exercises that cause rapid growth of your muscle tissue, however, as this can just lead to more stretch marks. Cardio exercises, as well as muscle toning and some light resistance exercises are best. Eat a balanced and healthy, wholesome diet, which will help your skin and muscle tissues all around to become firmer and remove stretch marks on breasts!

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