10 Tips to Sharpen Your Mind and Brain

Human mind and brain are very complex parts. Both of these are required for our everyday life. But, the effectiveness of our mind and brain become lower with time, especially because of not using them properly. There are certain things that can be done to sharpen our mind and brain. We are going to discuss some things that you should do and some other things that you should not do for improving our mind and brain.

Things you should DO

1. The first thing to do for sharpening your brain and mind is to engage in various mind challenging activities. Like all other things, our mind and brain become ineffective due to not using. Learning a new language, travelling and meeting people, solving mathematical and logical problems, playing mind games like Sudoku will help you to improve your memory and thinking ability.

2. Maintaining a healthy diet is very important. B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12) are very helpful in improving brain health and neurotransmitters. These vitamins also reduces degenerative disorders. Avocado, dates, grapes, guava, pomegranate, asparagus, peas, potato, beef, milk, salmon, pork, cheddar cheese are good sources of B vitamins.

3. Berries are good for our brain. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries provide sharpness, vitality and energy to our brain. So eat these berries and protect your brain from free radicals.

4. Drinking pomegranate juice and eating pomegranate seeds also enhances our mind and brain. These foods contain a large amount of antioxidants, and they provide protection again free radicals.

5. Add Ginseng to your diet list. Ginseng helps to enhance the learning process and to improve memory and mental clarity.

6. Eat sunflower seeds for improving your memory and cognitive function. Sunflower seeds have a significant amount of thiamine which is very beneficial for our brain.

7. Exercise regularly because physical exercise keeps our mind clear and fresh. Spend at least 15 to 20 minutes, three times a week for physical exercise. Walking, jogging, running, playing a sport or working out at a gymnasium-all these tasks help our body and mind.

Things you should NOT DO

8. Do not eat foods containing Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Large amount of MSG can cause headaches, dizziness and chest pain. Potato chips, canned soups, Chinese food, spices, sauces, some salad dressings of definite brands contain MSG. So, check the label for MSG before buying food items.

9. Stay away from anything containing Aspartame. Excessive amount of Aspartame can cause migraines, seizures, headaches, memory loss, depression and confusion.

10. Avoid mental stresses at all cost. Stress can affect the memory and the hippocampus. Find ways to deal with everyday stresses. Using your time wisely, maintaining a calm manner, changing your views and positive thinking may help you in avoiding unnecessary mental stresses.

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