The Causes of Adult Acne and Its Prevention
Acnes on adults can certainly make them lose their self confidence. A year ago, Christine Janssen was one of the unfortunate ones who have acnes all over their faces. At the age of 41, she owns a marketing research company at Manhattan but her acnes made her feel that her face alone would drive people away from her business.
According to Jonette Keri, MD, PhD, acnes can appear on anyone’s face. Ladies may be more prone to them especially in their teenage years but this doesn’t mean that guys can be acne free all of their lives. In fact, a few people can have acnes even if they are already old. Cases simply vary from one person to another.
The Factors Which Let You Acquire Adult Acne
There are a lot of reasons as to why adults have acnes on their faces. Actually, you have your skin’s sebaceous glands to blame in the first place. These glands create an oily substance known as sebum. Sebum causes your skin to be inflamed by clogging your pores. It lets your gain bacteria which results to acne. Too much estrogen or androgen and hypersensitivity can also lead you to have acnes. Make up, corticosteroids, menopause, perimenopause and pregnancy can cause several women to have acnes as well.
How Can You Cure Adult Acnes?
You would find below the things that Keri is recommending to people who desire to get rid of their acnes. However, you have to know that not all of these options would work for your skin. Thus, you would have to try them for yourself for you to determine if they really suit your needs.
Lotions and creams: Eliminate all the bacteria on your face with the use of a facial product that has benzoyl peroxide. Opt for items which have glycolic and salicylic acids to reduce the visibility of your acne scars and for you to have an even skin tone. Lastly, buy a retinol product to prevent your pores from getting clogged.
Cleansers: Go for a cleanser which is not abrasive, doesn’t contain beads or granules and strong chemicals. Aquanil and Cetephil are the products which meet the criteria.
Medicines: To prevent skin inflammation and infection, you can buy a gel which has an antibiotic called dapsone. Spironolactone, a drug for blood pressure and oral contraceptives are the things that you should use if you want to avoid hormonal imbalances while other antibiotics such as tetracycline and clindamycin can prevent your face from acquiring those bacteria.
Innovative treatments: Skin treatments are expensive so they should be last in your list of options. Nevertheless, blue light therapy, intense and laser pulsed light treatments are the methods that you can go through for your adult acnes.
What To Do If You are Prone to Acne
Wash your face the right way. To begin, do the best that you can to maintain the cleanliness of your face when you’re outside of your home. Then, use a cleanser in washing your face. Do this step twice on a regular basis. If you have dry skin, don’t hesitate to apply water on the second application of the day. Never use hot water. Use warm water instead to keep the moisture inside your skin. Use your hands in washing your face for a maximum of only two minutes.
As for Janssen, she now has a clearer face thanks to a retinol cream, some antibiotics and gentle cleansing.
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