So, you want to know how to get rid of stretch marks fast? When fat and muscle tissue grow, your skin is able to stretch to accommodate. Sometimes, however, the tissue beneath the skin expands too quickly for your skin to catch up. Stretch marks are visible as uneven red, purplish, or whitish lines on the skin’s surface. They can be found all over the body, but are usually seen on the abdomen. Teenagers, who rapidly grow tall during their formative years, are at risk for stretch marks, as are pregnant women. Other causes include weight increase, hereditary causes, even stress.
While stretch marks pose no health risks and are painless, they often cause self-consciousness and discomfort about appearance in those who have them. Most people with stretch marks often believe that there is nothing to do about them. However, there are actually several natural ways to rid of these marks!
1. Potato Juice –Treating stretch marks with potato juice is very easy. The juice of potatoes contains nutrients that facilitate the growth and regeneration of skin cells, and they are excellent tools in keeping skin healthy and pretty. Just take a potato (medium size) and slice it into thick rounds. Rub the affected skin with one slice for several minutes, making sure that plenty of juice meets the skin. Apply the rounds to all affected areas. Allow the juice to dry and remain on the skin for about an hour, and then use lukewarm water to wash the dried juice off the skin.
2. Sugar – As it turns out, ordinary table sugar is a great remedy for stretch marks! Sugar has long been known to be an excellent skin Exfoliator and is used in masks by many top spas. Just take one tablespoon of sugar. White or raw will work as long as it is granulated. To this, add several drops of almond oil and lemon juice. Mix it together and apply to stretch marks, gently rubbing the skin for several minutes. You should do this for about 10 minutes, before you bathe on a daily basis. By following this routine every day for a month, you will notice a reduction in the color and size of your stretch marks.
3. Aloe Vera – It has been used for millennia to treat all sorts of skin disorders, and is very useful in the treatment of stretch marks. The leaf of the aloe Vera plant contains a very thick, gel-like secretion that contains compounds that are very effective to treat a minor burn, and these same compounds are useful in treating stretch marks. Rub the gel directly onto stretch marks and leave for about ten minutes before cleansing the skin with water.
4. Water – Staying hydrated is one of the most important elements for skin health. Not only does water help flush toxins from the body and, thus, from the cells, it also helps cells to stay full, to work properly, and restores skin elasticity – and skin elasticity is at the heart of stretch mark development! Stay hydrated throughout the day. Experts say eight to ten eight-ounce glasses of water a day is essential for keeping the body hydrated and keeping skin healthy and elastic. It helps to keep the skin soft and flushes toxins from the body. Try to avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and soda. Not only does caffeine have dehydrating properties, these beverages are also acidic and can cause pH imbalance.
5. Lemon Juice – It helps in skin exfoliation, and is a great treatment for skin marks and other scar tissues (it is also great in treating acne scars and keloid scars). Take the fresh juice from half of a lemon and use it as an astringent, gently rubbing it into the skin using a circular motion. Allow the lemon juice to remain on the skin and absorb for about ten minutes or longer, then rinse the skin with warm water. Continue this routine every day. It may take two months, but you will eventually see a reduction in the appearance of stretch marks. If you have a juicer, you can also mix the lemon juice with fresh cucumber juice in equal parts and use it in the same manner.
6. Olive Oil – There are many essential fatty acids, nutrients, and antioxidants found in Olive Oil, which are essential to skin health and cellular growth. It is one of the most inexpensive and readily available skin softeners and moisturizers out there! Just take some slightly warmed olive oil and apply to the skin, massaging as you do. The massaging action will improve blood flow to the skin, and the oil will help soften the scar tissue of the stretch marks. Leave the oil on the skin for about half an hour, allowing the beneficial fats to absorb into the skin. You can also mix olive oil with a little vinegar and water to use as a cream at night. Not only will it help the skin hold moisture, the vinegar helps to exfoliate dead skin, keeping your face glowing!
7. Cocoa Butter –An ancient remedy for skin issues is Cocoa Butter. It is great for treating stretch marks. Use 100% cocoa butter, it cannot be mixed in with lotions, or it will not be effective. Apply pure cocoa butter on your skin at least twice a day. Once you have been doing this for about two months, you will begin to see that the marks are becoming less visible. You can make your own mixture at home using one half cup of 100% pure cocoa butter, wheat germ oil (one teaspoon), two teaspoons of grated beeswax, and vitamin E oil and apricot kernel oil. Heat the mixture over a very low heat until the components melt. Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated as it can go rancid. Apply to stretch marks at least twice daily.
8. Castor Oil – This oil is known for its skin-positive properties and treatment for blemishes like moles, age spots, and pimples, but it can also be used to treat scar tissue like stretch marks. Apply oil on the marks, massaging in circles with the fingers. Massage for fifteen minutes, and then cover the area with a clean cotton cloth. Apply a hot water bottle or heating pad to the area for about half an hour. This process must be repeated daily for at least a month to get results.
9. Egg Whites – Albumen, or egg whites, are high in protein and are effective at treating scar tissue. For stretch marks, separate the yolk and use only the egg whites. Take two egg whites and whip with a fork or wire whisk until slightly frothy. Apply the egg whites after cleaning the area. You need to allow drying entirely. Then rinse the skin with cold water. Apply a small amount of olive oil to the skin as a moisturizer. Repeat for a minimum of two weeks on a daily basis.
10. Alfalfa – Alfalfa, in addition to being essential to the diets of many farm animals, is rich in amino acids that are necessary building blocks for skin health. It is also rich in protein, and contains vitamins K and E, which are needed to maintain skin tone and elasticity. Get alfalfa powder from a health food store and mix it with a few drops of chamomile oil, mixing it until it forms a paste. Massage this paste at least twice a day, leaving for about an hour and then rinsing with cold water. This method works very fast – you will start to see results in about a week! If you have more tips how to get rid of stretch marks fast, send it to us
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