How to remember what you read

Reading is one of the most productive activities one can do. Reading changes the way you think, behave; in a way you develop as you read. However one of the biggest concerns is the inability of a lot of people to remember what they have read. Here are some rules for remembering what you read:

How to remember what you read: tricks:

1. Read So You Can Teach

Standing at a teacher’s desk and talking to a class is a problem if you don’t know your material. Teachers have to remember what they have read. So if you read something with a purpose of teaching the material, you will be able to recollect everything.

2. Last Comes First

This rule applies to non-fictional writings more than anything, since it is highly impractical to read the last chapter first in a murder mystery or such. In non-fictions, you have a short summary at the end, so if you read that first, you will be able to keep a track of the events that occur in the book or the points that are made, just like the writer did while he wrote the book.

3. Note It

By taking notes, you are processing the information when you read it and revising it when you note it. This increases your chances of remembering the material you have read.

4. Be Awake When You Read.

Never read anything to sleep if you want to remember it. Books might facilitate sleep very easily, which is good, but your mind needs to be awake and aware of what you are reading if you are to remember it.

5. Say It, Out Loud

You need to discuss what you read. Reading fails in its purpose if it does not make you think, and you need to share your opinions on the material with the others. Similarly, hearing others’ opinions on the subject will keep the material fresh in your head longer, and therefore you can remember it.

6. Have A “Place”

Find a place which gives you enough comfort to read but not enough to put you to sleep. The correct ‘place’ to read is the right environment; i.e. away from the television, the kids or other distractions. You need to find a place that optimizes the information you read.

Besides these, skimming over your material first and getting the mechanics right are other ways of remembering what you read.

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