Being the most complex and important part of the body, the brain is composed of billions of cells (neurons and neurolgias). The cells, chemicals and compounds, comprising the brain, need the highest attention.
Moreover, the brain vessels are of highest sensitivity, and the best quality nutrition from our part becomes of immense importance for keeping our brain healthy. Quite naturally, a healthy brain functioning will have its better impact on the whole body as a result, for we know that the brain is responsible for the control of our body. So, the key to our mental activity and health is in the healthy brain.
Micro-nutrients for Brain
As it was already mentioned above, the top quality nutrition is one of the most important factors for maintaining a healthy brain. Many of us are aware of the significance of vitamins, minerals, and other micro-nutrients – B-vitamins, vitamins C and A, etc. These are the most widely known nutrients playing a huge role in the activity of the brain.
Of course, these are not the only nutrients necessary for our brain – there exist a number of other important ones, and they even go on enlarging in their number, for new ones are being discovered day by day. Even those, that were considered to be less significant, today they have turned out to be important, if not the most essential ones.
For instance, the B-vitamins, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and also the main minerals and some others were thought to be the only most important nutrients for our health, but today’s discoveries in this sphere have brought out many other necessary and important nutrients.
Thus, the body health, especially, the brain health must never be left in ignorance. The largest of amount of various vitamins and minerals, trace minerals and phytonutrients, and many other compounds, which are so important for our body, should be kept in the center of our attention and serve as supplements for our health.
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