Skin care

Simple guide to acne types

12th January 2015 HealthyOZone 0

There are 4 types of acne which can let you determine the severity of your acnes. You just have to look at your skin breakouts for you to be able to tell the grade level […]

Stretch marks

How to remove stretch marks on breasts

4th January 2015 HealthyOZone 0

Most people assume that pregnant women are more prone to developing stretch marks on the breasts, but many women who have never been pregnant have stretch marks on their breasts, due to rapid development during […]

Stretch marks

Laser stretch mark removal – is it safe?

4th January 2015 HealthyOZone 0

You might be someone experiencing stretch marks. There are actually many options for removing these unsightly remnants of stretched skin to give you a better body self-esteem. From natural folk remedies to plastic surgery, women […]