Mental health

Steps to improve your concentration

31st December 2014 HealthyOZone 0

Basically, it takes a simple process to discipline the brain but its effects on the different aspects of our lives are just incalculable. According to Winifred Gallagher, in his book Rapt: Attention and the Focused […]

Mental health

Food to improve your memory

31st December 2014 HealthyOZone 0

1. Blueberries Berries are very helpful for improving memory. All kinds of berries including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and cherries help to increase memory power. The huge amount of antioxidants in these fruits will help […]

Mental health

What causes memory loss?

30th December 2014 HealthyOZone 0

This article encompasses some of the top memory loss causes. Typically, memory loss means that you forget things. These things can be any name, facts, things and place where you keep your things. Broadly speaking, […]

Mental health

10 Tips to Sharpen Your Mind and Brain

30th December 2014 HealthyOZone 0

Human mind and brain are very complex parts. Both of these are required for our everyday life. But, the effectiveness of our mind and brain become lower with time, especially because of not using them […]

Mental health

Exercises to improve your memory

30th December 2014 HealthyOZone 0

There are various ways people can use to maintain the healthy condition of their brain, but the most effective way to improve your memory is by combining eating healthy foods, especially brain-nutrition-rich foods, with having […]