It is always a question about what diabetes can do for a weight loss, even though we have medical proof that weight loss directly affect diabetes. Because of that, there have been so many false belief spread. If you suffer diabetes, you should consult with your doctor to get a formulated plan for your diet program to prevent any damage. Still, the only way from which you can get optimum result is by lowing your weight slowly.
Medical concepts
Inside a diabetic’s body, there are some unequal calories. Calorie simply means as an energy unit. By learning the thermodynamic law, we know that in order to lose body weight, we should consume less calories than the amount we will burn, even though there is an exception which is contradictory with this rule. The amount of calorie you get from carbohydrate will never be the same with the calorie amount you get from fat. If the contradiction happens, then there will be no fat or thin people in this world.
Usually, in diet program, fat is low enough, but carbohydrate is the contrary. Carbohydrate generates higher insulin secsretion which brings you to get heavier body weight. It is why people who take insulin medication always get fat body. The only way you can do for best diet is by consuming foods which do not trigger insulin secretion. A good combination with fiber-rich vegetables will keep your glucagon at normal level and then loose your weight.
Expert’s consideration
Based on researches, we know that by losing 10% of our today’s weight, we can improve the possibility of having normal insulin level and free from any medication. It is why everyone is recommended to consult with nutritionist before starting any diet program. All progress therefore should be reported regularly to know how good the program is. Usually, most nutritionist will recommend this diet ‘recipe’:
- a. 50% carbs
- b. 30% fats
- c. 10% proteins
Your carbohydrate consumption should be managed well for optimum result. Learn them well and how you can measure them. In addition, you need complex carbohydrates because they slowly absorbed by your blood. At the other side, you should concern about cutting carbs because of its danger if you eat them not in the right amount.
Aerobic physical exercise can lead you to maintain your blood sugar at normal level, as well as strength training.
False belief
Each diet program has been specially developed for certain case. If you are a diabetic, you need diabetes diet. It is true that you need carbohydrates, but you should manage them well. You even need to eat snacks before sleep to keep your over-night blood sugar level. Follow your doctor’s advice and have consultations with nutritionist. Never let anyone teaches you about what you should eat and at what time you should do it.
Never think that you can always measure your diet result by using scale. In some cases, the nutrition level is much more important than the value you got from the scale. For everyone, diet program is a ‘war’, especially when you suffer diabetes. Before you move farther to the wrong steps, keep in mind that nutrition balance is the most important thing in running any diet program. It means you should keep nutrition you got and energy you will burn in balance condition. Never let them over or under the balance condition or the result will be less effective.
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